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Deborah Smart
May 29, 20233 min read
Autoimmune disease - when the body attacks itself.
Self-destruction. That's what's happening when you have an autoimmune disease. Why is it happening? What can be done about it? Can it be...
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Deborah Smart
Apr 14, 20203 min read
Lockdown: 10 tips to THRIVE, not just survive!
At first it felt like the whole world hit the PAUSE button. After the panic buying that is! Now that we are all adapting to this 'new...
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Deborah Smart
Mar 13, 20203 min read
Support your immunity: what to take this winter to prevent viral infections.
The reason some people get sick more easily than others is due to the differences in the function of our immune systems. Immunity...
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Deborah Smart
Jan 28, 20204 min read
Fearless in the Face of Flu (even coronavirus)
Why are some people more vulnerable to infections than others? The answer may lie in how you treat your immune system.
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Deborah Smart
Jan 28, 20203 min read
Common Genes affecting Mental Health
Nutrigenomics is the study of the interplay between our nutritional status and our genetics and may be useful in mental health conditions
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Deborah Smart
Dec 31, 20192 min read
Why a nutritionist is NOT a dietician
Nutritional Medicine is a science-based holistic approach to health and disease management that is sorely needed in our modern world. ...
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Deborah Smart
Oct 28, 20194 min read
Thinking about Gene testing? Look before you leap...
It feels like everyone is getting their genes tested these days. Drs are using them more and more to screen for disease risk,...
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Deborah Smart
Sep 27, 20194 min read
Are your supplements making you sick?
There's a reason why so many Australian Drs are wary of complimentary medicine. While the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) regulates...
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Deborah Smart
Sep 3, 20192 min read
Nutrition: It's NOT all about diet!
Some people living with chronic illness avoid seeing a nutritional medicine practitioner because they are afraid they will simply be put...
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Deborah Smart
Aug 30, 20193 min read
What your Dr forgot to tell you about your medications: anti-depressants, statins, and methotrexate
Let me first say there are some great Drs out there who don't forget to mention the nutritional impact of the medications they prescribe,...
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Deborah Smart
Jan 11, 20194 min read
The Ins and Oms of Insomnia
Trouble sleeping? Maybe you toss and turn for too long trying to fall asleep or you fall asleep easily, but wake in the middle of the...
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Deborah Smart
Jan 3, 20193 min read
Why all the fuss about MTHFR?
MTHFR is a genetic polymorphism that affects the biochemistry of folate metabolism. We all know folate is recommended for pregnant women...
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Deborah Smart
Oct 25, 20172 min read
What is Nutritional Medicine?
Nutritional Medicine is an exciting 'new' health profession for the prevention and management of chronic conditions.
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Deborah Smart
Sep 13, 20174 min read
What is your pain trying to tell you?
Ask yourself the following questions:
How often do I take pain medications in a week? In a month?
How often does pain or discomfort affec
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Deborah Smart
Jun 9, 20173 min read
Hormones from Hell - How to negotiate MENOPAUSE and come out laughing on the other side...
Menopause Doesn't have to make you feel like a monster. It is not a disease but a natural part of the ageing process that needs to be s
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Deborah Smart
May 3, 20173 min read
Cold and Flu Supps in Autoimmune Conditions (some will make you WORSE)
Many such supplements are referred to as immune 'boosters'. The trouble is, when your immune system is already overactive and attack
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Deborah Smart
Mar 28, 20174 min read
Anxiety - much more than a feeling...
Anxiety feels "Like taking off, except the engine that lifts you up is fear and you cannot tell it to go away. [It's like a]...
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Deborah Smart
Mar 6, 20173 min read
4 steps to beating acne!
Pimples can cause a great deal of stress and insecurity in teens already struggling with self-esteem.... The toll is both physical and emoti
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Deborah Smart
Autoimmune disease - when the body attacks itself.
Self-destruction. That's what's happening when you have an autoimmune disease. Why is it happening? What can be done about it? Can it be...
Deborah Smart
Lockdown: 10 tips to THRIVE, not just survive!
At first it felt like the whole world hit the PAUSE button. After the panic buying that is! Now that we are all adapting to this 'new...
Deborah Smart
Support your immunity: what to take this winter to prevent viral infections.
The reason some people get sick more easily than others is due to the differences in the function of our immune systems. Immunity...
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